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because it's deeper than skin

Speaking To Rejection and Fear, they are besties, and BOTH are liars
If you feel like you’ve been tired lately from so many closed doors, broken places, plans falling through, opportunities that seem to...

God Doesn't Play By The Rules, He Breaks Them: a guest article I wrote
Recently I got asked to write an article for the international ministry as a guest on their Women Wednesdays. My immediate prayer: “Lord,...

UNQUALIFIED: 5 Reasons 5 Lies & A Girl Who Saved The World
December 2017: We were sitting in a Panera in Birmingham, and I was sipping on black coffee, staring out the window... I told her, "I...

Dear Ms. Jean: A Letter to My Ex-MIL and The Unfolding Story Of Redemption
In tears as I write the beginning of this redemption story that will blow your mind. A letter to my ex-Mother In-Law and the redemption in o

Sharing LIFE On The Eric Metaxas Show In NYC
On this day in 2018, a girl who was originally never going to tell a soul, sat in the hustle and bustle of lower Manhattan, on a national ra

My NYC Bike Ride & The Atheist Bellman Who Inspired My Faith
18 days before another tragedy struck NYC as a truck ran over bikers on the NYC bike path, I was biking along that very same path, and in...

9 Totally Gorgeous Inspiring Phone Wallpapers (for guys too)
How many times do you look at your phone every day? Statistics say: Those between the ages of 18 and 24 look at their phones most often,...

Is A Life This WonderFULL Available For Everyone?
I was just having a conversation with a friend about the absolute wonder my life has been the last couple of months with all of the...

All The Perfect Kids Can't Ride This Bus
There's a BIG lie going around that you have to be perfect to be used by God. No one is saying it out loud, but everyone thinks it. If...
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